Following is a rundown on what I have been doing during the last six years (2014 – 2020) healthwise:
Stem cell therapy trial
November 2015, I was one of 12 people commencing a trial to see if adipose derived stem cells (stem cells from the stomach fat) could be grown into neuronal cells. We donated our stem cells for the experiment and it was a success. Now we had to wait for TGA approval for the next stage to go ahead before undergoing the liposuction again; having stem cells derived; cultured into neuronal cells; and then injected into the lumbar to perform its healing magic.
Faecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT)
June 2016, at the Centre of Digestive Diseases in Five Dock Sydney, I commenced the first stages to receive Faecal Microbiota Transplant FMT (the process of transplantation of fecal bacteria from a healthy individual into a recipient). I had a colonoscopy to see if I qualified. The doctor said I could very will benefit from the treatment. However, I before taking the next step that would have likely helped me there and then, I stopped when the doctor didn’t answer my email as to what I should do next. I took this as a sign I wasn’t meant to receive the treatment, relieved that I wouldn’t undergoing such an expense.
So instead I persisted with my bodywork healings; taking my herbs; supplements; peptides and Ayurveda medicine.
Epstein Bar Virus (EBV)
January 2017, I commenced reading Anthony Robbins book, ‘The Medical Medium’ that pinpointed the cause of MS and the remedies that would potentially cure it. I purchased all the ingredients from iHerb and was very excited as the recommendations resonated with me. On my long journey of MS, I have been open to many channels of advice and have sometimes received input from controversial sources not ruling out anything when no one had ever offered solid guidance. Anthony sourced his information from a medical spirit guide that talked in his ear each day… And for MS, the higher source stated that the Epstein Bar Virus EBV was the cause of MS. I had chickenpox when I was seven and the virus stayed inside of me beginning to cause havoc to the myelin sheath surrounding some of my nerves in my early 20s. I had long believed chickenpox was the start of my ‘problem-to-be-solved’ and avidly commenced the program, immediately experiencing the benefits by sleeping through the night…
I improved in the first few months of the year with straightened fingers and increased dexterity in my hands. I was also no longer struggling in the usual humidity and heat of summer and autumn.
Medicinal Marijuana Oil
Next came the reintroduction of marijuana in my life. It had been seven years since I smoked marijuana and the cessation improved my lungs but I declined physically. It took me seven years to allow it back into my body psychologically because I wanted my body to be clear of it after smoking it so long. But my MS worsened without it and fortunately Marijuana Oil had become more available. I commenced taking the oil in October 2017 and have continued consuming it with overall great improvement via intermittent softness in my hands and legs, increased movement at times and enhanced well-being. Aside from the enhanced well-being, the physical benefits currently still fluctuate, but I certainly know I’m better on it than off it.
FMT underway
September 2018, I reignited my determination to heal on a grand level, reembarking on the Faecal Microbiota Transplant FMT healing track. By infusing my digestive system with the flora from multiple healthy donors, and addressing the potential cause of MS in my body, I began building my body from the foundation up, combating parasites in my gut disrupting my immune system. The gut and the brain are related… It truly is a case of gastroneurology!
Umbilical cord stem cell therapy and Embryonic stem cell therapy
Australia is so behind on the stem cell therapy front because trials aren’t being done here to give evidence that it works. All that exists is an intensive stem cell therapy (HSCT) involving chemotherapy, for people who are in early stages of MS. The result brings about full recovery in most people. Unlike most countries in the world, Australia hasn’t taken on umbilical cord stem cell therapy; embryonic cell stem therapy; bone marrow derived stem cell therapy; or even adipose derived stem cell therapy to help people at any stage of MS because they haven’t experimented here to know if it works well enough.
But the decision-makers who decide when to commence offering a wider range of treatments to treat certain immune and inflammatory conditions, including MS, aren’t in a rush because they have no idea what it’s like to experience the quality of life that is enhanced after stem cell therapy… even if the recipient doesn’t come out of it as a fully functioning on the physical level. I know how I felt after my two adipose derived stem cell therapies in 2014 and 2015… And, that was stem cells derived from my own fat. At my age, the amount of stem cells has dramatically declined and after half my life of having MS, I need the most powerful stem cell therapy possible, which is umbilical cord and embryonic stem cell therapy brimming with the most powerfully regenerating stem cells.
But unfortunately, I had to put aside my search along the stem cell therapy track, due to difficulty communicating with centres overseas, and having the funds to pursue the route further. This potentially liberating treatment, I prayed and trusted would be accessible in the nearby future.
Low-Level Light Laser therapy
I commenced having weekly Low-Level Light Laser therapies when I read about the effectiveness of the laser lights on MS in, ‘The Brain’s Way of Healing’ by Norman Doidge. Also known as photobiomodulation, I resonated with it when reading the effects the light laser has on oxygenating the mitochondria and rebooting the ATP (like a battery within the mitochondria) that is responsible for neurons regenerating. As with FMT, the laser light treatment reduces inflammation, which is huge because inflammation worsens MS symptoms. The laser therapy not only regenerates cells, it also regenerates tissue, decreases any pain, softens muscles; and increases immunity. The FMT was the amplifier of the laser I believed, because after 24 years of MS, I needed a very strong foundation such as resetting my gut to enable other transformative modalities to work. Not forgetting the ability to now absorb nutrients and other healthy, wholesome properties into my system.
The Anti-biotic Protocol
I was hesitant to watch this youtube because of its title ‘Can MS be cured? But I am oh so glad I did…
I went to see Doctor Paul Thibault in this video – and had an ultrasound on my neck to ascertain if the veins and blood vessels were constricted. And yes, my left vein was 20% constricted and my right also, but not so much. (He said if this went untreated, I could end up with heart disease).
Apparently, in 1905, they knew that MS was related to constricted blood vessels… But research wasn’t done… The specialist believes that MS start from pathogens caught from coughs or sneezes from another that travels into the lungs crosses the blood brain barrier. The infection is called: Chlamydophila Pneumoniae (CPn). As seen in this video, the retired doctor cures his wife from MS when he concocted three different types of antibiotics to combat what he believed was that infection.
Chlamydophila Pneumoniae was found in my blood test results. Doctor Thibault prescribed the three antibiotics, including, minocycline that has ‘enormously positive and potentially highly beneficial effects of minocycline in MS, but unfortunately gets consigned to the ‘further study is warranted’ basket, rather than being immediately adopted by doctors, and widely taken up by people with MS…’
As with most conditions, the longer you have them, the harder it is to heal. The doctor was optimistic that the antibiotics would help to clear my veins, he was hopeful they would help with increased mobility – but gave me no false hope. He said he’s seen people come in using two crutches and a year later walk in without assistance; but has never seen anyone get up from a wheelchair. You never know, I might be the first. Either way, I was determined to kill off the debilitating infection and potentially stop the progress in its tracks. I went in confident the antibiotics would work because of my past experience with them. The FMT supported the process well to also knocking the pathogens in their track and flooding my body with an abundance of good bacteria.
I have been giving an ongoing report by progress via my Facebook site called: Stem Cell Therapies and Other Therapies for MS – Finding the Best.
Please join me dear friends…
Oh Cure
Searching for a cure shouldn’t be so hard to do
Oh cure oh cure I do pursue you
I’ve sought you for a long time, I’ve looked for you for years
Never allowing my tears to turn into fears
Of never finding you, of you not turning up
Of you being the empty of a half full cup
I’ve meditated on you at sunset, I built fires for you at dawn
I’ve yearned for you endlessly, but still come away forlorn
The magical ingredients must be in my hands
To guide me to the mystery found in some far-off land
Or could you be closer, the cure I pursue
Just let it be known I’d do anything for you
* * *
Stem Cell Therapy and Peptides, Ayurvedic Medicine, and Body Work Therapies
(I am yet to update my health unfoldings of the first half of 2017… there is so much to too much to report at the moment… will do e v e n t u a l l y!)
It’s spring 2016! I made it through winter… Alike summer, I coasted through winter’s conditions. As summer was the best summer I’ve experienced in many years ~ nearly two decades in fact, so was winter. Because of this I can let go of my old debilitating fear of summer and instead allow myself to relax into very real prospect of enjoying it as I did the last!
I primarily attribute this buoyant feeling to the two Stem Cell treatments I received in September 2014 and March 2015, together with the peptides I been administering since the first treatment. Peptides support the body in so many ways, following is a list of some of the benefits I’ve experienced. I am blessed to receive the best quality peptides from the PeptideClinics, who also give me the best quality care and service starting from Dr John Hart to all the friendly team! Please visit:
Ayurvedic herbs I’ve been taking since May last year have also contributed to me feeling so vibrantly well! As well as body work therapies…. As we know, it takes a whole body, holistic approach for the total wellness that we wish for and for which I am seeking…
I am already so grateful for my health, ironically I’m healthier than I’ve ever been! I’m thankful for my nourished cells, increased muscle tone and power, lightness in my limbs, strong bones, gifting me with more energy than I can remember!_/|\_ Sending everyone much love xox 🙂
Here are the Benefits of Peptides ~ just some of the many!
- Immune Enhance
- Increase bone density.
- Rapid Injury Repair and Recovery
- Reduces Inflammation
- Tissue repair and regeneration
- Increases Muscle Growth
- Improves Muscle Tone
- Increases Strength and Endurance
- Relaxed muscle spasm
- Increases the exchange of substance between cells
- Stretches connective tissue
- Minimises Scar Tissue Formation
- Helps Maintain Flexibility
- Keratinocyte Migration
- Collagen Deposition
- Promotes New Blood Cell Growth
- Promotes Cell Differentiation
- Prevents formations of adhesions and fibrous bands in muscles, tendons and ligaments
It is without a doubt that I experienced the summer of 2016, autumn and winter so far, in a greater and easier way than during previous seasons (for as long as I can recall having experienced symptoms of MS since 1995). I have increased energy and strength more often, even through the extreme and changeable weather.
I ran out of my peptides during January and commenced administrating them again Feb 8. Within a week of administering MGF in the morning and Ipamorelin and Thymosin at night, I was feeling ‘normal’ again, causing to me realise I had been slipping back to my ‘struggling’ self—during the break from peptides—without consciously realising because struggling had been my reality for too many years.
I again celebrated the anti-inflammatory benefits of the peptides tested most during the heat of summer and hot mugginess of autumn. Daily, I work out on a MOTOmed (leg and arm trainer), and am very pleased with the muscle building and toning properties of MGF on my calves, arms, biceps, neck and back.
I am aware of the peptides stimulating stem cells to become part of muscle tissue, whereby they release to produce rapid increases in muscular mass and strength. Having had two stem cell therapies, I am thrilled that the peptides have enabled my excess blank stem cells to become the muscle mass I was so in need of!
I understand almost every cell in our body is affected by peptides: our muscles, cartilage, bone, kidney, liver, skin, nerves and lungs etc… It is so good knowing through the positive experience of my body, the benefits the peptides are having on my nerves in particular. I almost can’t get used to the lightness of my limbs, especially my arms and the quick firing messages that have returned to some of the movements in my upper body… and remotely in my feet and legs at times, in some of the ways I move them.
My transfers, which are performed by me standing and turning (and sometimes take a few steps with my walker) are almost without exception, strong, confident and with ease. Whether it is in and out of cars; on and off my office chair; the couch; toilet or shower car; and regardless of the time of day and temperature, I am achieving these movements successfully and joyfully, which has been a miraculous answer to some of my dreams having dreaded summer each year due to my previous difficulties attempting to function and survive through life during the heat.
There are more benefits to share such as improved quality of sleep; reduced to almost zero and rare foot twitches during the night and the day; no more electricity shooting down my arms when I look down.
As mentioned, I live a very healthy lifestyle: eat healthily, take Ayurvedic herbs, receive MoraVega therapy, and receive bodywork such as Ortho Bionomny, Ligament Adjustment (Acupuncture) and Remedial massage, which all work to complement the success of the peptide and stem cell treatment.
The winter months of 2015 gave evidence of my healing journey… My body was infused with an energy that the cooling air refreshingly provides… I began to experience an increasing buoyant strength even as the spring streamed toward summer!
I wish to acknowledge the physical healing modalities that have given my body tremendous support over the last few years. The following have been my most regular:
Ligament Adjustment with Ben Haymes. A treatment involving de-calcification of the ligaments in the spine, and then rolling and stretching the body to provide increased flexibility (simply described).
Ortho-Bionomy with Clive Salzer. A treatment that resets the Central Nervous System by a gentle method of listening to the body, giving it what it wants and then showing it the way that works more efficiently (again, simply described).
Deep Tissue Massage with Betty Iles.
Three months since my second stem cell treatment, I can finally say that the benefits are kicking in!
I am typing well again, quite quickly and accurately without my fingers locking up causing me to one-finger type.
I have been strong on my legs and taking a few good steps with my walker most days. (Took eight great steps last night!)
My warming diet and regular energetic healing therapies are helping to give my now abundant stem cells wings, complementing my healing journey.
The mid-winter cooling conditions also must be contributing to my enhanced state of well-being; however, it’s the best I’ve felt during the past two decades of winters since experiencing symptoms of MS. I certainly didn’t go through last winter as well as I have this year.
My first stem cell treatment was September 2014 and must say that my life truly started anew! I am so grateful to have received the life-saving/enhancing treatment… However, without improving my digestion and receiving powerful energetic healings the stem cell benefits would again only be temporary..
Good to be in touch with positive news _/|\_
I am happy to say that I have been taking a few good steps with my walker every night. These steps have been occurring over the last two weeks and so far six successive steps have been the best. The stem cell treatment really began to kick in exactly two months after transplant. Although I’m not touch-typing as well or as often as I’d like, I am strong on my legs and perform transfers very well.
I went to an Ayurvedic doctor last week (Wednesday 27). Ayurveda is a holistic science of health, focusing on maintaining a physically and emotionally balanced state. Raman Das, the delightful doctor, said I had good vitality on looking at me. Then he read my pulses and stated that I am a Pitta body type, but my body has become a Vata type. Which basically means my cooling diet over the years has become too cold in winter and too hot in summer. My digestive juices are minimal and the fire in my belly is out!
Raman said my brain and senses are ‘very, very good! 100% percent!’ I have been operating on ‘hidden treasures, by the grace of God for a very long time.’ I have been drawing on my energy from reserves and totally understand that without building my digestion and warming my body, any healings I receive are only temporary.
My next appointment is in three weeks. I have three lots of herbal medicines to increase my digestive enzymes and rekindle my internal fires, in the meantime.
The benefits of my second stem cell treatment have been slow to be felt as I suffered a set-back from what I believe was a reaction to a component of the pre and post treatment protocol. In the fortnight before leaving for treatment I developed a fever, which went away a few days before flying out. Two days after treatment, the fever returned again, and I began developing flu-like symptoms that worsened four days later after arriving home.
I continued to fell unwell and tired for the next few weeks, and I am now happy to say I am finally experiencing the wonder of my stem cells at work in my body due to the transplant.
I am strong on my legs while standing and doing transfers; my hands and fingers have softened and I am touch-typing this message; I feel energised and am no longer hampered by afternoon fatigue; due to my fine motor-skills returning I am able to do things such as put lids on and off with ease; and again my well-being has heightened.
Although taking steps with my walker hasn’t yet returned, all the finer benefits of my first stem cell transplant have remained (as described below). I maintain trust that I am on the road to recovery and continue to envision walking again, one step at a time. I am so grateful for my current great health despite the physical-challenge. And, am already setting my sights on the next liberating avenue to complete healing… trusting that the universe will provide. _/|\_ (Will post updates)
Very excited about my second stem cell treatment next week!! The date is the fortuitous St Patrick’s Day, so I’ll have the ‘Luck of the Irish’ on my side xox
31-12-14 New Year’s Eve Update
So pleased with how I’m feeling. Normally, at this time of year I’m feeling the weight of the heat and sluggishness in my body. Instead, after my stem cell treatment in mid-September (18th), I have continued to experience vitality in my body.
Approximately three weeks ago, I felt I went sideways to backwards and became concerned the effects of the treatment had begun to plateau; however, I soon returned to the wonderful feeling of my renewed self. And, in any one day, if my fingers begin to curl, I now know that in a matter of time/moments my hands will return to being lovely and relaxed.
Happily, I am touch-typing this update. I feel light, energetic, balanced and full of hope for the future. The dread of the continued hot, humid months of summer and early spring no longer fills me. I can stand strong, and most often perform transfers with near gusto and confidence. I also have smoothness in my body and muscles I’d forgotten. All of this adding to my elated sense of wellbeing!
Although I’m not yet taking walking steps, I look forward to 2015 when I return for a second treatment to enable to stem cells really to kick in. This makes sense for me as I’ve been experiencing symptoms of MS since early 1995.
Wishing everyone a Happy 2015 Bursting with Hope! Blessing stem cells for making hope possible _/|\_ Much Love and Joy, Suzie xox
22-11 ~ Update after my Stem Cell Transplant for MS on 18/9/14
My wellbeing has improved has improved tremendously.
My hands are relaxed and wonderfully light… It’s great being able to pick up minute objects because my pincer grip is back!
I have energy and feel strong even in 40 degree Celsius heat.
Last Monday, I commenced taking Thymosin peptide in the evenings, which has caused me to feel even more ‘normal’. Thymosin has anti-inflammatory properties that are enabling me to combat the heat and make my body feel light and more free-flowing and flexible.
I have been taking IGF-1 LR3 peptide since August, a month before my stem cell treatment (18-9), and every weekday morning following. This peptide is building my muscle mass and making me feel very strong.
The two peptides together seem to be creating a very positive synergy within me, enhancing the magic work the stem cells are performing in my body.
The improvements are amazing and encouraging… To say I am grateful is an understatement!
With love and great joy, Suzie xox
My relaxed hands and straight fingers feel great!
I am touch-typing effortlessly, accurately and with energy.
My limbs feel light and I my neck and upper body are moving with fluidity and smoothness for the first time in years. I didn’t realise just how locked-up in the body I’d become.
I can sign my signature well and use my fork properly again because my fine motor skills have returned. I awake in the morning feeling a freshness and energy throughout my body similar to the distant memory of being a child..
All of this and more despite the increasing heat.
It has been five weeks since my stem cell transplant (18-9-14) and I am improving with each week. I feel so blessed and grateful having forgotten that health feels so good!
First Update
After my Stem Cell Treatment (Adipose Derived Stem Cell and Platelet Rich Plasma Blood Treatment) on September 18, I have been feeling wonderful in so many ways!
I highly-recommend anyone with MS doing it asap! I have had relentless Secondary Progressive MS since early 1995 and the stem cell treatment has certainly begun to work its magic on/in me…
Effects of therapy were felt immediately. On the first night I held my fork normally and was able to get everything off my plate. I noticed that my balanced improved too and I woke in the morning with lighter limbs and moving my fingers far more freely. From thereon, my limbs have continued feeling lighter, and my hands have been working so much better more often than not. My hands and arms now open easily and my neck and shoulders move with more fluidity. My legs are no longer rigid and my overall balanced has improved tremendously. Happily, I am more confident and stronger transferring and standing.
On Sunday 28 (Sept), I attended the MS Go for Gold Scholarship Luncheon having been awarded an Arts Scholarship to assist me with my dream of bringing about the publishing of my children’s story Come Fly with Me and my autobiography, Agony ~ A Path to Bliss.
To and from the event, I was able to transfer confidently in and out of a low car that had no frames around the window to hold on to. Using the wheelchair accessible toilet was a breeze compared to my years of difficulty and I could cross my legs while sitting my wheelchair, which I also haven’t been able to do in over a decade.
I began putting on my t-shirts each morning without much difficulty and have even begun taking them off at night, as well as sometimes undoing my bra-straps (another first in well over a decade). In the evenings, I effortlessly get off my low couch holding on to my walker and often take one, two, three or four steps; steps I haven’t been able to take as easily any time this year…
Overall, I have been feeling and growing stronger every day… I feel ‘normal’ again… my life-force is bursting with an energy I had nearly forgotten existed. I am so grateful to be on the healing path!
Before the treatment Dr Felix of Master Derm Clinic asked what I hoped to gain from the therapy understanding it was a treatment not a cure. I replied, ‘Improvement on any level. A cessation of progression. Increased energy. A renewed hope in the future.’ These hopes have certainly been achieved and now I look forward to what the future brings. Because of the degree of my physical-challenge from having had my version of MS for 19-years, Dr Felix has advised me to return for another treatment in six-months to help bring about even greater results. I wholeheartedly agreed to come back, thrilled at another, even greater opportunity.
In the meantime, I am so happy that my overall wellbeing has improved! The thought of facing a long, hot, humid summer no longer terrifies me now I know I have my healthy stem cells running my body performing their magic.
This treatment is truly a must for anyone in a position to do it!!! ~ Medi-Credit is available for financial assistance if needed…
Click on title to read my celebration poem called Healthy Living…
The ASCF website has an abundance of science based articles on Regenerative Medicine you can read
I had a wonderful book launch on September 6 for my most recent poetry book Bright Blessings. A philosophical bite of love and joy to enrich all walks of life and a natural successor to Suzie’s popular first book, Loving All.
Proceeds from the sale of Bright Blessings are helping to fund my Stem Cell Therapy (to help my body keep up with my mind). After 19 years of living with multiple sclerosis, the physical challenge that has creatively transformed my life, I am now more than ready to receive the benefits of the breakthrough treatment.
If you would like a copy of Bright Blessings, Click here to purchase directly
The Gnostic Corner magazine interviewed me a couple of weeks ago.. Here is the link online to such a colourful and informative, healing magazine.. Out in print next week: Gnostic Corner
Click this link to my Media and Others Interests page to read recent article written in The Peninsula News