Excerpt from my autobiography:

I met a lovely girl named Sian in the park with Ben one day, and she said she knew a couple of women who interviewed people in the local community living extraordinary lives for Central Coast Shine. After speaking for only a short while, I was touched that she thought my life was extraordinary, and told her I would be interested in being interviewed by the ‘Shine’ girls. I was comfortable with the idea as she said it was a podcast; however, I visited their website the day before the interview, and discovered that it was filmed. Suddenly, I felt nervous having not done anything along those lines for a while.

Rachel and Mum set up my lounge with colourful materials and displayed my books on the coffee table. Sue and Kris were wonderful interviewers and our talk went for over an hour and flew. On and off the camera, our conversation centred around my healing remedies, my continued quest to meet my man from a past life, and bettering our community and the world. We hit it off a moment they walked in the door, and Sue quoted Jake Cassar as saying, ‘Suzie is an environmental activist with an assassin of a smile.’

This is what they wrote on the Shine website:

‘Today Sue and Kris had the amazing opportunity to sit down with Central Coast author, poet and motivational speaker ~ Suzie Palmer. Having been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in her mid-twenties, Suzie decided early on to manage her health as holistically as possible and also through meditation and spiritual exploration. Her journey has led her to abundance in soul growth, appreciation of what is and what she has been gifted. Living a life that has slowed down physically has accelerated her inspired outlook on life that she so beautifully shares with others ~ through writing of poetry, children’s books and her autobiography. Suzie is also a motivational speaker and advocate in community ~ inspiring health of humanity and the environment.’

This was wonderful timing for me to re-remember my purpose and set me back on track.




Beauty held in the past
To the eyes may not last
The eyes they can and do deceive
When once was obvious is hard to see

True beauty shines beyond
All time
Of actions showing beauty fine
In all we do, that’s who we are
It’s our ability to shine like stars

The longer we gleam
The more brilliant we are
Entirely gifted to guide a star
From small sparks able to shine
Wisdom and light on humankind


Our Home Relies

Love to All
On this day of ours
To share our life with care
Together we breathe
The air, our breeze
Take in the sun so fair

Shines on us all
The golden ball
Our life-giving
Comes from rays

The sun
Is giving it
To us today

No-one owns it
We all enjoy it
Not ours to give away
With human nature
Comes the danger
Of mistakenly taking away

What’s not ours
Can’t sell the clouds
Do those trees belong to you?
And the water in the river
Are they purely coming through?

All channels
Mindful panels
Are they staying true?

To the environment
Our home relies on it
Because it’s me and you