Meeting Wild Horses

On a grey windy winter’s day Sarah, Paul, Lillie, and Sam sat on cushions around Ruby waiting for their next adventure.  It was cold outside and the children wanted to go on a very fast flight, to warm up.  The pussycats Angel and Precious were warm and cosy cuddled up beside Ruby.  In the kitchen, Daisy was cooking, and the aroma wafting the under door, made everyone’s tummy rumble.  This was a special day because the children were invited to lunch!  Before that, they were going to go on a magic flight.

‘Today, flying friends, we are going on a special journey.  Who loves horses?’

‘Oh yes!’ the children cried loudly, neighing and pawing the ground.

‘In Australia, we have horses called brumbies that roam wild and free in the Alps, the bush, and the deserts.  The brumby has become a symbol of the Australian spirit of freedom, courage, and determination to survive in the harsh terrain and weather conditions of our country.’

‘So let’s visit the brumbies in the Snowy Mountains and ask them to take us overseas to meet other wild horses?’

The children positioned themselves comfortably on their cushions, took three deep breaths, and commenced the meditation.

After a time Ruby spoke softly:  ‘Your heart is beating like a horse galloping on solid ground.  Your lungs are filling with fresh clean air, providing oxygen for your strong well-formed body.  Feel your breath coming in and breath going out.  As you breathe, notice the vibrations of your body.  Every organ including your skin, which is the largest organ of all, is alive with movement and sensation.  Be aware of the subtle sensations of life.  Once you have become aware of the operations of your body, breathe naturally, and rise up into the sky’.

The flying troop spread their magic wings, and followed Ruby deep into the frosty Snowy Mountains.  Although the children couldn’t feel the cold, they imagined it, and looked forward to escaping.

Soon they found some wild horses and Ruby communicated with their leader, the stallion, in horse talk.  Horses mostly express themselves using body language and soon he had agreed to take them on a great flight across the skies to meet other horses from distant lands.

Five brumbies introduced themselves to Ruby and the children.  They nuzzled the children’s chests and nickered softly.  The horses too were excited about the journey!

Without fear or hesitation, the explorers climbed up onto their sturdy, willing mounts – ready for anything!  Ruby rode a brown horse; Sarah a grey, Paul rode a black stallion, Lillie a palomino, and Sammie a bay.  They galloped through dense bush trails to the mountain peak, where they jumped over, falling through the air, until the horses found their wings!

The winged brumbies travelled across the sky just as they had galloped on land.  The majesty of their motion, and splendour of the skies and oceans below, enchanted the children.

Crossing coastlines and grassy meadows the flying crew continued on their quest until they came to the Nevada desert where they kept a lookout for American wild horses called mustangs.  When a herd of mustangs was spotted, the brumbies revealed a special horse secret.

As soon as the mustangs became aware of the newcomers, their instinct told them to gallop away. The closer the flying troop came, the faster the mustangs went.  The children wondered why Ruby stayed silent and did not call out to let the mustangs know they were friendly.  However, she was leaving it to the brumbies, who had their own way.

Paul led the way on the black stallion, pounding powerfully across the earth following the mustangs ever onwards.  To Ruby and the children, it seemed as if they were chasing them away, but the brumbies knew that the opposite was true.  What seemed to be a chase was actually a pulling in, or drawing close.

Eventually, the brumbies stopped following the mustangs and galloped in another direction.  At this point, a very interesting thing happened.  The mustangs changed course, turning to follow the brumbies and their riders.  Again, the pursuit went on, but this time the mustangs were following the wingless flying crew.  Wherever they led, the mustangs trailed.  During this process, familiarity and trust grew and soon the brumbies turned to greet the mustangs, head on.

The meeting was grand, with horses nuzzling each other, whinnying, and prancing about!  Enjoying the bouncing motion the travellers were fascinated by the way the horses communicated.  There are no language barriers for horses.  The brumbies told the mustangs about the wild places of Australia, and admired the beauty of the vast great land where the mustangs were free to roam.  The mustangs dreamed about what it would be like horsing around on the other side of the world, and hoped that one day they might visit the brumbies.

Paul wanted to know more about the chasing game.  Ruby’s brumby stepped forward to explain the principle of advance and retreat: ‘In the past, Native American Indians used this to capture wild herds. If you chase a herd of wild horses in a certain direction for a certain distance, then lay off, and turn back, their natural inclination is to turn around and follow.’  The flying friends felt privileged to have learnt such wisdom, charmed by the magic that allowed the mustangs to connect with them!  They were further honoured by a ride on the mustangs along high hill tops, through deep valleys in the desert wilderness.

The brumbies and the adventurers were sad to be leaving their newfound friends.  Nevertheless, the time had come for the brumbies to go back to the SnowyMountains and for the friends to fly to Ruby’s house, in time for lunch.  When the travellers left the brumbies, they promised to return for more journeys through the sky.  The horses neighed in anticipation!

Soon they were all relaxing on cushions in Ruby’s room, their faces glowing with excitement as they talked about the journey.  There is nothing quite like the love of horses to bring people together. There is also nothing like riding to build up an appetite.  The friends were ravenous, stimulated by the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen.  When Daisy called ‘lunch is ready’, the children jumped up and raced to the kitchen.  Thoughtfully, Sarah remembered that they were not flying anymore or riding horses, and returned to help Ruby.

Oh, the beauty of friends!00000000000000000000000

Copyright © 2005 Suzie Palmer